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6 Healthy Ways to Avoid Burnout

According to experts, constant exposure to high levels of stress puts people at risk for burnout. More so, they also believe that burnout is the reason for many mental conditions like depression. However, spotting burnout isn't an easy task.


Over the years, we've managed to power through several crises that triggered incessant stress on many people of all ages.

Also, we're already living in a fast-paced lifestyle where push notifications or endless scrolling tend to feel as if we're always not running out of things to do.

According to experts, constant exposure to high levels of stress puts people at risk for burnout. More so, they also believe that burnout is the reason for many mental conditions like depression. However, spotting burnout isn't an easy task.

Recent data also stated that the risk for burnout has reached over 30% since the Covid-19 pandemic started. And they added that it's not decreasing anytime soon.

Seeing as how serious this case is, it's essential to know the signs that you might be suffering from it and what you can do to manage its causes.

What is burnout?

In 1974, Herbert Freudenberger coined the word 'burnout'. He defined it as the absence of motivation that worsens when a person's commitment to accomplish a goal isn't met.

This results in severe stress that could cause a person critical exhaustion physically, mentally, and emotionally.

While the World Health Organization (WHO) didn't categorize it as a medical condition, burnout is an occupational phenomenon according to the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11).

According to ICD-11, burnout is continuous stress that hasn't been managed effectively and is distinguished by fatigue, feelings of negativity related to one's job, and poor work performance.

Because it influences many aspects of a person's life, dealing with stress could be harder for those who are burnout. They'll fail to see the positive side of things and would often focus on the bad things, therefore, hopelessness sets in.

Causes of burnout.

Sometimes, you'll be assigned excessive tasks and are far out of your ability. This could be manageable if it only happens once or twice. But if it occurs frequently, you'll lose focus, make mistakes and fail to accomplish your tasks successfully. This could cause constant stress which could lead to burnout.

Feeling out of control.

When you have tons of work and it's too much for you to handle alone, you might feel overwhelmed. This emotional distress could lead to feeling as if you're losing control of what you're doing and take a toll on your overall well-being.


In a recent study made, it's proven that social support in workplaces promotes the healthy development of psychological, physical, and overall well-being. A group of people who you can talk to, share your worries and problems with gives you comfort and relief at work. Exhaustion and stress often occur without a proper support system at work.

Poor work-life balance.

A productive employee is associated with having a healthy work-life balance. The very absence of time to take care of oneself and only focusing on work-related matters can put a toll on someone and cause distress overall.

Toxic work environment.

Similar to work-life imbalance, having a workplace with incompetent leadership, poor management skills, lack of communication, discrimination, and an environment where no one gives you recognition can all lead to exhaustion and therefore, burnout.

Warning signs of burnout.

Recognizing the early signs of burnout can be tricky because it doesn't appear in just one go and it differs from person to person. Sometimes, symptoms may depend on their profession as they might handle stress or burnout differently from other people.


This can be difficult to identify because exhaustion is part of the job sometimes. But when you feel like this all the time along with the inability to cope with the demands of your job and life in general, then you might be burned out.

Lack of motivation.

If you find yourself dreading going to work every day and have lost the motivation to do any work, then you could be suffering from burnout.

Feeling anxious all the time.

Long-term anxiety is largely related to burnout. Frequently feeling tense, worry, and uneasy can affect your focus and overall work performance. Anxiety can make it hard for you to enjoy the little things because you always dwell on negative emotions.

Cognitive difficulties.

When you're having a hard time memorizing, fully concentrating on your tasks, or accomplishing your work effectively, this could be due to your overwhelming sensation which is related to feeling burned out. This could result in poor work performance.

Health problems.

Burnout can adversely affect your health overall. There are many health problems associated with chronic stress such as heart diseases and digestive problems.

6 Healthy ways to prevent burnout.

Exercise regularly.

Being physically active every day can help lessen your stress levels and improve your mood. On top of that, working out promotes an increased level of productivity and you'll feel more energized.

Eat well-balanced diet.

Stress-eating is common when people are going through tough times. But this isn't healthy and won't do you any good. Eating a healthy and balanced diet means getting the necessary nutrients for the body to become stronger.

Get a goodnight sleep.

Lacking energy is common when you're feeling burned out. Your body needs to repair and restore its energy and the best way to do that is to get a good and sound sleep. It helps in regulating your mood and clearing out your mind as well.

Ask for help.

One of the causes of feeling burned out at work is when you have too much work to handle. You feel overwhelmed. When this happens, learn how to reach out, ask your co-worker for help. This will lessen your stress levels and will result in more productivity.

Learn how to unplug.

Taking the time to spend some quality with oneself is highly overlooked by many busy people. This is wrong because it'll only fuel the tension you're feeling. Disconnect from your work and schedule a vacation for a few days or a week.

Know your limitations.

Knowing and accepting your limitations is also essential to managing your stress levels, therefore, avoiding burnout. Sometimes, it's okay to admit that a task isn't up your alley or you need help to accomplish it. Forcing yourself to do will only cause you unnecessary stress.

It's important to realize that burnout is very different just feeling exhausted. It's a complex issue that could harmfully affect many aspects of one's life. The key to avoiding feeling burned out is to identify what causes your stress levels to shoot up. Finally, you can make a plan on how you can manage your stress efficiently and healthily.



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