Achieve a more balanced
version of yourself.
Whether you’re stressing over unattainable goals, feeling stuck in an uninspiring career, or just generally feeling overwhelmed and overlooked, I’m here to help.
I’m Dr. Tomi Mitchell, family physician & holistic wellness strategist. I work with people at every stage of life—with professional women struggling to advance their careers while nurturing children, relationships and their own health, with entrepreneurs and visionaries looking to free themselves from limiting beliefs, with overachievers, perfectionists and not-living-up-to-my-potentialists. I work with you to create holistic wellness strategies that offer practical opportunities to overcoming personal challenges, deepening relationships, and living a more empowered life.

Change isn't easy.
Overcoming self-doubt, letting go of self-defeating habits, building healthier relationships, embracing new ways of thinking, finding your purpose—change can feel overwhelming. But the rewards are literally life-altering. Embracing a holistic approach to wellness will empower your life, transform how you interact with family, career & community, and create a powerful legacy for the next generation to build on.
I’ll walk hand-in-hand with you, candidly but gently challenging you to achieve a healthier, happier, more balanced version of yourself.
I’ll help you move past crippling self-doubt and hindering beliefs.
I’ll create a holistic wellness strategy that offers a clear, tangible path forward.
What matters most to you?
Holistic wellness is caring for a person’s whole being—not just physical wellness, but also emotional, intellectual, social, environmental, financial, occupational and spiritual. Together, these elements create a wellness wheel. When one part of the wheel isn’t right, it affects every other part.

What areas are you most drawn to?
Are you struggling with chronic health issues? (Physical Wellness)
Do you struggle to identify, process or express your emotions? (Emotional Wellness)
Do you feel challenged by differing beliefs and new ways of doing things? (Intellectual Wellness)
Do you yearn for more connections with friends and community? (Social Wellness)
Do you yearn to a deeper connection with the natural world? (Environmental Wellness)
Do you want to improve your relationship with money? (Financial Wellness)
Do you find satisfaction in your job or do you feel overwhelmed? (Occupational Wellness)
Are you seeking a sense of purpose and meaning in life? (Spiritual Wellness)